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Fall Semester
SUNDAY: Cluster Meetings
MONDAY: Book Study
TUESDAY: Book Study
WEDNESDAY: Worship & Family Groups
THURSDAY: Special Event Night
Spring Semester
SUNDAY: Cluster Meetings
MONDAY: Book Study
TUESDAY: Book Study
WEDNESDAY: Lunch Bunch, Worship
& Guild
THURSDAY: Special Event Night
Cluster Meetings
Cluster meetings are weekly meetings held so that each cluster is able to plan for the upcoming week and so that the ministry can be as organized as possible.
Book Studies
Book Study
Book studies are held on Mondays @ Noon and 5 p.m. and Tuesdays @ Noon during both the fall and spring semesters. These studies are led by our Director and Administrative Assistant.
Guild / Discipleship Groups
During the spring semester, Guild is a weekly bible study that is held on Wednesday evenings following Worship. This is an opportunity for potential new leaders to show their abilities and lead small group lessons digging deeper into what we believe in our faith.
We hold a corporate, student led, worship service every Wednesday evening @ 8:30.
Family Groups
During the fall semester, following worship, we have Family Group meetings. Family Groups are student led small groups designed to grow a close knit community within your group.
Lunch Bunch
During the spring semester, Lunch Bunch is a weekly free lunch provided by local churches every Wednesday @ 11:30 a.m.
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